2019 - 2023 Ph.D candidate / Civil Law / Free University of Berlin
2015 - 2021 Master and Ph.D / Civil Law / Peking University
2011 - 2013 Bachelor / Economics / Peking University
2010 - 2014 Bachelor / Law / Peking University
Civil Law and Commercial Law
Civil Law and Commercial Law
Present Assistant Professor / Faculty of Law / Macau University of Science and Technology
The Influence of the Flaw of Registration to Good Faith Acquisition, Legal Method, 2021, 36
Negative Confrontation Effect of Commercial Registration, Journal of Social Science of HarbinNormal University (2021): 03.
Translation from German to Chinese: Verjährung —Ein Vergleichender Blick auf die kontinentaleuropäischen Rechtsordnungen und den Entwurf fu r einen Allgemeinen Teil des chinesischen Zivilrechts, Sebastian Lohsse, Archiv fu r Chinesisch-Deutsches Privatrecht,19.
German (Level C1)