Faculty of Law Graduation Ceremony 2024


I. FL Graduation Ceremony

  1. Date, Time & Venue of the Event




June 11, 2024



  1. Schedule




Renting and Returning of Graduation Regalia (applicable to   postgraduate students)

June 6 & 7, 2024 (Rental)

June 12 & 13, 2024 (Return)

 9:30 – 12:30 14:30 – 18:00


Rehearsal for Students (with Name Card in hand and dressed in   graduation regalia)

(Please present your identification documents and scan the code at   registration)

13:30 (Seating)

14:00 (Rehearsal)


Seating of Guests

15:00 – 15:15

Opening of the Ceremony


End of the Ceremony


II. Important Notices

Before the Ceremony

2.1         Except for graduates, students who have been invited to the Graduation Ceremony will be awarded the degree and graduation certificate only after their eligibility for graduation is approved by the Senate of the University.

2.2         The attire of all attending students should be decent and proper:

l  Male students: white shirt, dark neck tie or bow tie, dark trousers, dark leather shoes and graduation regalia.

l  Female students: white shirt, dark neck tie or bow tie, dark trousers or skirt, dark leather shoes and graduation regalia.

No jeans, sneakers, sandals, slippers, etc. are allowed. Students are advised to bring hair pins to help adjust their graduation regalia. Students who are not dressed in graduation regalia, or whose regalia do not meet the standards, or are not in proper attire will not be allowed to enter the Faculty Graduation Ceremony Hall. Please refer to the University website for details of the graduation regalia.


2.3         Students who have registered to attend with their relatives and friends will receive Faculty Graduation Ceremony tickets on June 12, 2024.

2.4         Family/friends of the students must enter the Faculty Graduation Ceremony Hall with Faculty Graduation Ceremony tickets between 15:00 and 15:15. There is no seating reservation by name. Late comers will not be admitted.

2.5         Family/friends of the students are welcomed to join this great event, but children under age 6 will not be admitted to the Faculty Graduation Ceremony.

2.6         If typhoon signal No. 8 is hoisted at 10:00 a.m. or after on the event day, the originally scheduled Faculty Graduation Ceremony will be cancelled. If that happens, please pay attention to the University’s latest announcement.

During the Ceremony

2.7         Ceremony Procedures:

2.12.1    All students will receive their congratulations onstage during the Faculty Graduation Ceremony, which means that they must arrive at the Faculty Graduation Ceremony Hall between 13:30 and 14:00 for the rehearsal. Please be seated according to the seat number and follow the staff’s instructions for the rehearsal. Late comers will not be admitted.

2.12.2    Congratulation Ceremony procedures for Master & undergraduate students: Students should hold the Certificates (horizontally)wear their tassel on the left side, and line up on the stage according to the Faculty/Institute. Students should then go up to the stage, bow to the guests and line up in front of the stage and take the group photo. After that, students should go back to the seat as instructed.

2.8         When the National Anthem is being played, all participants must take off their hats and stand upright until further instructions from the master of ceremony.

2.9         Please switch off any mobile phones and communication devices during the Faculty Graduation Ceremony. Smoking and eating are forbidden in the hall. All students must not leave their seats or get in /out of the Faculty Graduation Ceremony Hall without permission.

2.10     After the ceremony, please wait for the officiating group and VIPs to leave the Faculty Graduation Ceremony Hall first.

3.      The Faculty Graduation Ceremony information is subject to the latest announcements by the Faculty. Please pay attention to the Faculty website.

Faculty of Law

April 30, 2024