Faculty of Law Graduation Ceremony for the 2020/2021 Academic Year


The graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Law for the 2021 academic year was successfully held in the afternoon of June 7 at N101, Library Building of the University. The officiating delegation consisted of Vice President Pang Chuan, Associate Vice President Sun Jian Rong, Dean Fang Quan of the Faculty of Law, Professor Li Xiaoping, Program Director Xie Gengliang, Program Director Bi Jingwei, Program Director Mou Iao Bo, Associate Professor Huang Mingjian, Associate Professor Zhao Linlin, Assistant Professor Peng Yunpeng, Assistant Professor Zhu Feng, Assistant Professor Dai Mengliang, Assistant Professor Xue Wenchao, Assistant Professor Zhou Ting, Assistant Professor Xiao Huina, Assistant Professor Chen Bo, and Assistant Professor Wang Jia. About 200 undergraduate and master's degree students, their families and friends attended the ceremony to witness the important moment of starting a new journey in life.

Dean Fang Quan gave a graduation speech to the graduates. On behalf of the College, she congratulated the students on their graduation and their new journey. She hoped that the students would become active and responsible builders of the future, and that they would be honest and compassionate in the pursuit of righteousness. At the same time, she expected students and alumni to grow together with the Faculty of Law.

During the ceremony, Vice President Pang Chuan and Associate Vice President Sun Jianrong, accompanied by Dean Fang Quan, officiated at the conferral ceremony of master's and bachelor's degrees for the 2021 graduating class of the Facuty of Law.

Shao Rang, LLB graduate, spoke as a representative of the graduates, saying that the Faculty of Law has given us the rationality to believe in law and the passion to work tirelessly for our ideals, so that we will never forget the love and passions in our hearts and tears.