The Faculty of Law Received Donation From Alumni


The Freshmen Orientation Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022 and Alumni Donation Ceremony was held in N101 by the faculty of law at four o’clock on 9th September 2021. The Vice President of MUST and Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association, Professor Pang Chuan, Vice Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association Ms. Ma Hoi Sun, Vice Director-General of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association Ms. Tang Xi, Secretary-General of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association Mr. Feng Jun Guo, Chairman of the Alumni Association in Faculty of Law Mr. Lau Chak Kwong, Director-General of the Alumni Association of Faculty of Law Mr. Chang San Chi, Vice Director-General of the Alumni Association of Faculty of Law Mr. Zheng Li, Secretary-General of the Alumni Association of Faculty of Law Mr. Lam Wai Kuen, Dean of Faculty of Law, Professor Fang Quan, together with about twenty teaching staffs, presented the activity. In accordance with the requirement of epidemic prevention and control, the activity was held both online and offline. Nearly one hundred new students presented the activity and about two hundred students watched the activity online.

The Faculty of Law has nurtured numerous students from one class to another and witnessed they have become professional talents with the ideal of law-based governance, integrity, and professional skills who are willing to serve our society. Today, they returned to the MUST and made contributions to promote the development of legal education. Since graduating from our faculty, Mr. Lau Chak Kwong and Mr. Zheng Li have always concerned themselves with the university and hereby donated development funds to support legal education. Alumnus Lau Chak Kwong donated $ 100, 000 MOP and Zheng Li donated $100,000 HKD to strongly support the long-term of our faculty. The Vice President of MUST and Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association, Professor Pang Chuan and the Dean of Faculty of Law Professor Fang Quan granted Certificate of Merit to the two donors.

On the Donation Ceremony, Dean Fang Quan extended her warm welcome to the guests presented on behalf of the Faculty of Law and appreciation to the two alumni. She said that the pursuit of justice required highly self-recognition and belief in law, it also needed mutual support and inheritance. She expressed her appreciation to the alumni who made great achievements in their careers for their concern for our university. Academic staff and students in the Faculty of Law would work hard and move forward hand in hand with their kindly help.



chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association, Professor Pang Chuan granted the cheques of donation to the Dean of Faculty of Law, Fang Quan

The General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association and Faculty of Law extended sincere appreciation to the alumni and granted Certificates of Merits to them.



Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association, Professor Pang Chuan, and the Dean of Faculty of Law Professor Fang Quan granted Certificate of Merit to Mr. Lau Chak Kwong and Mr. Zheng Li respectively.


Photo of the Distinguished Guests

(From Left to Right: Director-General Chang San Chi, Secretary-General Feng Jun Guo, Mr. Zheng Li, Vice Chairman Ma Hoi Sun, Vice President of MUST Pang Chuan, Dean of Faculty of Law Fang Quan, Mr. Lau Chak Kwong, Vice Director-General Tang Xi, Secretary-General Lam Wai Kuen)

The Donor Lau Chak Kwong is a postgraduate of the first class of the Faculty of Law. He said that studying at MUST had laid a solid foundation for his career in financial sectors in Macao, he always kept gratitude to MUST and the Faculty of Law and wished that the faculty would be better and better, cultivating more outstanding graduates with integrity and professional competence, and making greater contributions more in the undertaking of “One Country, Two Systems”.

The donor Zheng Li is an undergraduate of the class of 2019 of the Faculty of Law. He said that the academic life in MUST helped him a lot. Now he has achieved great success in his career, he hoped to do something for MUST and legal education, giving full play to students’ potential and lighting up education.



The Donors Made Speeches. (Left: Mr. Lau Chak Kwong, Right: Mr. Zheng Li)

The Freshmen Orientation Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022 and Alumni Donation Ceremony successfully ended with applause from teachers and students. It is hoped that alumni are always concerned about the development of MUST and work together to write a new chapter of development in the future.


Photo of Guests, Teachers, and Students