Faculty of Law held Freshmen Orientation Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022 & Alumni Donation Ceremony


The Freshmen Orientation Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022 and Alumni Donation Ceremony was held in the N101 by the faculty of law at four o’clock on 9th September 2021. The Vice President of MUST and Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association, Professor Pang Chuan, Vice Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association Ms. Ma Hoi Sun, Vice Director-General of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association Ms. Tang Xi, Secretary-General of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association Mr. Feng Jun Guo, Chairman of the Alumni Association in Faculty of Law Mr. Lau Chak Kwong, Director-General of the Alumni Association of Faculty of Law Mr. Chang San Chi, Vice Director-General of the Alumni Association of Faculty of Law Mr. Zheng Li, Secretary-General of the Alumni Association of Faculty of Law Mr. Lam Wai Kuen, Dean of Faculty of Law, Professor Fang Quan, together with about twenty teaching staffs, presented the activity. In accordance with the requirement of epidemic prevention and control, the activity was held both online and offline. Nearly one hundred new students presented the activity and about two hundred students watched the activity online.

Dean Fang Quan expressed her warm welcome to freshmen. She hoped that freshmen could master practical legal skills, broaden their horizon and develop their passion for justice, making laws be their majors, profession and career, even belief and pursuit, to be legal talents with four qualities---knowledge, skill, vision, and passion. Dean Fang Quan also expressed her appreciation to Mr. Lau Chak Kwong and Mr.Zheng Li, she said academic staff and students in the Faculty of Law would work hard and move forward hand in hand with their kindly help.


Dean Fang Quan made a speech

On the donation ceremony, Chairman of the General Assembly of the MUST Alumni Association, Professor Pang Chuan granted $ 100,000 MOP from Mr. Lau Chak Kwong and $100,000 HKD from Mr. Zheng Li to Dean Fang Quan through the Foundation of General Assembly of the Alumni Association. The General Assembly of the Alumni Association and the Faculty of Law extended their appreciation to the two alumni for their support and awarded certificates to them.


Donation Ceremony
(From left to right: The Director_General Chang San Chi, Secretary-General Feng Jun Guo, Mr. Zheng Li, Vice Chairman Ma Hoi Sun, Vice President of MUST Pang Chuan, Dean of Faculty of Law Fang Quan, Mr. Lau Chak Kwong, Vice Director-General Tang Xi, Secretary-General Lam Wai Kuen)


The representative of undergraduate freshmen Zhang Jun Wei expressed his feelings and expectations to life in MUST. He encouraged each other to endeavor to their dreams in MUST bravely in the future. 


The Representative of Undergraduate Freshmen Zhang Jun Wei Made a Speech


As the representative of the academic staff, Assistant Professor Xiao Hui Na hoped that students would never forget why they started and learn to know themselves. She emphasized that knowing oneself was an essential step to the moral life, and studying was a process of knowing oneself. It was hoped that students would enrich their lives in MUST by accumulating professional knowledge, cherishing the present time, and establishing more unified personalities through lectures through extensive reading and actively communicating with others.


Assistant Professor Xiao Hui Na made a speech

Assistant Professor Wang Jia introduced the abundant academic competitions and outstanding achievements obtained by students in previous competitions and encouraged students to increase academic literacy by wholeheartedly engaging in studying, persistently bravely pursuing the lofty academic mountains, enhancing comprehensive ability by actively participating in competitions and activities, challenge and go beyond themselves.


Assistant Professor Wang Jia Introduced Various Competitions

To encourage students to participate in activities and academic competitions, Dean Fang Quan granted Certificates of Merit to students who took active parts in activities, assisted daily works of faculty, and served for students. Freshmen Orientation Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022 and Alumni Donation Ceremony successfully ended with applause from teachers and students.


Granting Certificates to Students


Photo of Guests, Teachers, and Students