The Faculty of Law Convened the Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022


The Faculty of Law convened the Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting of Academic Year 2021/2022 on the morning of April 20 at the R104, Tower R, which was held in a mixed mode of online and offline.

The Dean of Faculty of Law, MUST, President Fang Quan, Committee Member of Macao S.A.R Basic Law Committee of NPC, Lawyer of Macao Lektou Law Firm Lee Wun Kong, Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ji Wei Dong, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Hong Kong  Chow Kam Pui, Director General of National Chung Cheng University, Professor of the Department of Law Liu Chien Hong, President of Alumni Association of Faculty of Law, MUST Liu Ze Guang, Partner of Lou Sio Fong Lawyers & Associates Lawyer Lou Sio Fong, Secretary of the Advisory Committee, Program Director Xie Geng Liang and Representative of the teaching staff, Assistant Professor Chen Bo attended the meeting, some of the committee members were unable to attend for some reasons. (The members are listed in stroke order by last name)

The committee approved the minutes of the last meeting. President Fang Quan introduced the structure of the new advisory committee and reported the basic situation of the Faculty, including the scale of students, teaching and scientific research, activities and external communication, etc. The committee members discussed about the issues on  faculty platforms and institutions construction, international development of the faculty and external cooperation, inter-disciplinary research, etc and gave precious suggestions. The committee members heaped praise on the achievements made by the Faculty of Law. It is expected that the Faculty will nurture cross-border legal talents and compound legal talents in accordance with the demands of the development of the Greater Bay Area and Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin by taking advantages of its unique geographic location.


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Start from upper left of the screen: Lee Wun Kong, Liu Chien Hong, Chow, Kam Pui
Start from lower left of the screen:Ji Wei Dong, scene of the offline meeting


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On-site committee members (from far to near): Liu Ze Guang, Lou Sio Fong, Xie Geng Liang, Fang Quan, Chen Bo


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Scene of the offline meeting