
2017 香港城市大學 哲學博士 

2011 西南政法大學 法學碩士 

2005 西南交通大學 法學學士






2011-2013 甘肅政法學院 教師



  1. Mengliang Dai, Xiaoyu Zhuang and Ting Kin Ng. (2023). Institutional anomie theory and gambling-related crime: An empirical test in Macau. Journal of Criminology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/26338076231179286 (SSCI) 

  2. Mengliang Dai, Yiwei Xia and Rongxu Han. (2022). Temporal variations in calls for police service during COVID-19: Evidence from China. Crime & Delinquency, 68(8), 1183-1206. (SSCI) 

  3. Kangqing Wang, Mengliang Dai and Yiwei Xia. (2022). Rank, strain, and corruption among Chinese public officials: A general strain theory perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13: 1077544. (SSCI) 

  4. Mengliang Dai, Yiwei Xia and Rongxu Han. (2021). The impact of lockdown on police service calls during the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Policing: A Journal of Police and Practice, 15(3), 1867-1881. (SSCI) 

  5. Mengliang Dai and Yunjiao Gao. (2021). Reporting behavior of bicycle theft victims: a test of Black’s theory of law. Security Journal, 34(1), 148-164. (SSCI) 

  6. Mengliang Dai. (2020). The 1983 strike-hard campaign in China: A moral panic? British Journal of Criminology, 60(5), 1220-1241. (SSCI) 

  7. 李映男,代孟良(2020)。我国环境犯罪学研究回顾与思考——基于文献计量方法的分析,犯罪 研究,6,76-94。 

  8. Lena Y. Zhong and Mengliang Dai. (2019). The Politics of Wrongful Convictions in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 28(116), 260-276. (SSCI) 

  9. 代孟良(2017)。美國刑事錯案的研究現狀及對我國的啟示,理論月刊,5,174-181。 

  10. 代孟良,陽雲雲,鐘月英(2016)。“專項行動”對警察自由裁量權的影響,警察法學研究,2, 175-184。


  1. Pan-moralism, Retributionalism, and Heavy-Penaltyism: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Chinese Youth’s Legal Consciousness. Empirical turn in Chinese Legal Research Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions, January 9-10, 2023, Hong Kong SAR, China. 

  2. 亞洲毒品問題的研究特征及主題探究——基於 WOS 資料庫的知識圖譜分析。亞洲毒品防治國際 研討會暨亞洲藥物濫用研究學會第七屆年會,澳門大學,2021 年 12 月,中國澳門。 

  3. The Impact of COVID-19 on the 110 Calls for Police Service in China. The 1st ACCCJ Online Conference, January 14-16, 2021. 

  4. 美国性罪犯限制居住制度的困境。海峡两岸再犯风险管理及其智能化研讨会,南京大学,2019 年 11 月,江苏南京。 

  5. 美國性犯罪限制居住制度的立法實踐、爭議與啟示。罪犯風險評估與監獄制度改革研討會,中央 司法警官學院,2019 年 10 月,河北保定。 

  6. 美國智慧警務的發展狀況及其啟示。法律差異與大灣區警務合作研討會,澳門保安部隊高等學校, 2019 年 7 月,中國澳門。 

  7. Wrongful Convictions in China. International Workshop on Law Enforcement in China. City University of Hong Kong, September 21, 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China. 

  8. Moral Panic and Strike-hard Campaigns in Mainland China. The 8th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society on Crime Prevention and Control under the Perspective of Globalization. June 17-19, 2016, Beijing, China. 

  9. Controlling crime through Specialized Campaigns in Mainland China: Myth and Reality. The 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society on Criminology and Criminal Justice in a Changing World: Contributions from Asia. June 24-26, 2015, Hong Kong SAR, China. 

  10. Wrongful Convictions in China from the Perspective of Public Security Organs. Symposium on Current Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice: A Dialogue between the Pacific and the Greater China Region. Victoria University of Wellington, October 22-23, 2014, New Zealand.



  1. 彭靜、代孟良(譯)(2023)。執法的邊界:警察慣常的行為方式。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。 (Donald Black, 1980)


  1. Yunyun Yang, Han Wang, Pingping Huang and Mengliang Dai. (2023). The criminal justice system in China: Organization and function. In In J. M. Mbuba (Ed.), Comparative Criminal Justice: International Trends and Practices (pp. 79-105). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 

  2. Mengliang Dai and Yunyun Yang. (2021). The Chinese police: Structure, police-public relations and deviance. In J. M. Mbuba (Ed.), Global Perspectives in Policing and Law Enforcement (pp. 153-169). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 


  1. Mengliang Dai. (2023). Review of Adam K. Ghazi-Tehrani and Henry N. Pontell, Wayward Dragon: White-Collar and Corporate Crime in China. Asian Journal of Criminology, 18(1), 79-81.
