所在部門 法學院
聯繫電話 (853)88971996
辦公室 R775
電子信箱 mldai@must.edu.mo

2017 香港城市大學 哲學博士 

2011 西南政法大學 法學碩士 

2005 西南交通大學 法學學士






2011-2013 甘肅政法學院 教師




  1. Han Wang and Mengliang Dai. (2024). Who questions the legitimacy of law? A latent profile analysis using national data in China. Law and Human Behavior. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000583 (SSCI)

  2. Han Wang and Mengliang Dai. (2024). Moralization of law, heavy-penaltyism, and retributive justice: A corpus-assisted study of legal consciousness on Chinese social media. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 79, 100700. (SSCI)

  3. Mengliang Dai, Xiaoyu Zhuang and Ting Kin Ng. (2023). Institutional anomie theory and gambling-related crime: An empirical test in Macau. Journal of Criminology, 56(2-3), 335-358. (SSCI)

  4. Mengliang Dai, Yiwei Xia and Rongxu Han. (2022). Temporal variations in calls for police service during COVID-19: Evidence from China. Crime & Delinquency, 68(8), 1183-1206. (SSCI) 

  5. Kangqing Wang, Mengliang Dai and Yiwei Xia. (2022). Rank, strain, and corruption among Chinese public officials: A general strain theory perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13: 1077544. (SSCI) 

  6. Mengliang Dai, Yiwei Xia and Rongxu Han. (2021). The impact of lockdown on police service calls during the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Policing: A Journal of Police and Practice, 15(3), 1867-1881. (SSCI) 

  7. Mengliang Dai and Yunjiao Gao. (2021). Reporting behavior of bicycle theft victims: a test of Black’s theory of law. Security Journal, 34(1), 148-164. (SSCI) 

  8. Mengliang Dai. (2020). The 1983 strike-hard campaign in China: A moral panic? British Journal of Criminology, 60(5), 1220-1241. (SSCI) 

  9. Lena Y. Zhong and Mengliang Dai. (2019). The Politics of Wrongful Convictions in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 28(116), 260-276. (SSCI) 


  1. 代孟良,徐放,黃星宇(2024)。我國犯罪學研究的國際化現狀與熱點議題——基於2022年犯罪學與刑罰學SSCI論文的分析,犯罪研究,3,79-91。

  2. 歐倩欣,代孟良(2023)。澳門跟蹤騷擾行為的實證研究,澳門研究,2,138-156。

  3. 代孟良,皇平平(2023)。澳門性犯罪登記製度建構的必要性及模式選擇,澳門法學,3,141-161。

  4. 李映男,代孟良(2020)。我國環境犯罪學研究回顧與思考——基於文獻計量方法的分析,犯罪研究,6,76-94。

  5. 代孟良(2017)。美國刑事錯案的研究現狀及對我國的啟示,理論月刊,5,174-181。

  6. 代孟良,陽雲雲,鐘月英(2016)。“專項行動”對警察自由裁量權的影響,警察法學研究,2,175-184。


  1. Pan-moralism, Retributionalism, and Heavy-Penaltyism: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Chinese Youth’s Legal Consciousness. Empirical turn in Chinese Legal Research Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions, January 9-10, 2023, Hong Kong SAR, China. 

  2. 亞洲毒品問題的研究特征及主題探究——基於 WOS 資料庫的知識圖譜分析。亞洲毒品防治國際 研討會暨亞洲藥物濫用研究學會第七屆年會,澳門大學,2021 年 12 月,中國澳門。 

  3. The Impact of COVID-19 on the 110 Calls for Police Service in China. The 1st ACCCJ Online Conference, January 14-16, 2021. 

  4. 美国性罪犯限制居住制度的困境。海峡两岸再犯风险管理及其智能化研讨会,南京大学,2019 年 11 月,江苏南京。 

  5. 美國性犯罪限制居住制度的立法實踐、爭議與啟示。罪犯風險評估與監獄制度改革研討會,中央 司法警官學院,2019 年 10 月,河北保定。 

  6. 美國智慧警務的發展狀況及其啟示。法律差異與大灣區警務合作研討會,澳門保安部隊高等學校, 2019 年 7 月,中國澳門。 

  7. Wrongful Convictions in China. International Workshop on Law Enforcement in China. City University of Hong Kong, September 21, 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China. 

  8. Moral Panic and Strike-hard Campaigns in Mainland China. The 8th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society on Crime Prevention and Control under the Perspective of Globalization. June 17-19, 2016, Beijing, China. 

  9. Controlling crime through Specialized Campaigns in Mainland China: Myth and Reality. The 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society on Criminology and Criminal Justice in a Changing World: Contributions from Asia. June 24-26, 2015, Hong Kong SAR, China. 

  10. Wrongful Convictions in China from the Perspective of Public Security Organs. Symposium on Current Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice: A Dialogue between the Pacific and the Greater China Region. Victoria University of Wellington, October 22-23, 2014, New Zealand.



  1. 彭靜、代孟良(譯)(2023)。執法的邊界:警察慣常的行為方式。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。 (Donald Black, 1980)


  1. Yunyun Yang, Han Wang, Pingping Huang and Mengliang Dai. (2023). The criminal justice system in China: Organization and function. In In J. M. Mbuba (Ed.), Comparative Criminal Justice: International Trends and Practices (pp. 79-105). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 

  2. Mengliang Dai and Yunyun Yang. (2021). The Chinese police: Structure, police-public relations and deviance. In J. M. Mbuba (Ed.), Global Perspectives in Policing and Law Enforcement (pp. 153-169). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 


  1. Mengliang Dai. (2023). Review of Adam K. Ghazi-Tehrani and Henry N. Pontell, Wayward Dragon: White-Collar and Corporate Crime in China. Asian Journal of Criminology, 18(1), 79-81.
