澳大利亞國立大學 / 國際經濟法 / 法學博士學位
廈門大學 / 民商法碩士學位
中南財經政法大學 / 法學學士學位
現職 澳門科技大學 / 法學院 / 助理教授
1. A Battle of the Big Three?—Competing Conceptualizations of Personal Data Shaping Transnational Data Flows, Chinese Journal of International Law (Oxford University Press, (OUP), SSCI), Volume 22(4), pp. 707-787, Nov. 2023;
2. Forum-Shifting to Regulate Data Privacy: The Creation and Evolution of EU Data Protection Regulation, manuscript accepted for publication and forthcoming in Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business (SSCI);
3. Personal Information Protection under Chinese Civil Code: A Newly Established Private Right in the Digital Era, Tsinghua China Law Review (ESCI), Volume 13(1), pp. 165-185, Nov. 2020.
1. Bridging Separate Worlds—Application of Human Rights Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business (SSCI), Volume 42(1), pp. 1-73, Oct. 2022;
2. What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Deference in Investment Treaty Arbitration?, Journal of International Dispute Settlement (OUP, SSCI), Volume 13(3), pp. 472-509, May 2022;
3. The Role of Public International Law in Integrating Human Rights Considerations in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (SSCI), Volume 16(2), pp. 275-327, Sept. 2021.
1. Bridging an Access to Justice Gap for International Commercial Dispute Resolution: Recent Developments of Interim Measures in Cross-Border Chinese Arbitration, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (SSCI), Volume 59, pp. 608-684, Aug. 2021;
1. 2022年中國國際投資仲裁常設論壇年會青年優秀論文獎一等獎;
2. 2021年新南威爾士大學中國國際商法與國際經濟法中心研討會最佳博士生論文獎;
3. 2021年中國國際投資仲裁常設論壇年會青年優秀論文獎一等獎;
4. 2022年第十屆「北仲杯」全國高校商事仲裁徵文大賽一等獎;
5. 2021年第二屆「一裁杯」中國仲裁徵文比賽卓越獎(一等獎);
6. 2020年第八屆「北仲杯」高校商事仲裁徵文大賽一等獎。
經期刊主編/執行編輯邀請,目前為下列國際學術期刊擔任審稿人(peer reviewer):
- Chinese Journal of International Law (OUP, SSCI, impact factor: 1.1, Law (2023 Q1))
- Journal of International Dispute Settlement (OUP, SSCI, impact factor: 0.982, Law (2023 Q1))
- Journal of World Investment and Trade (Brill, double-blind peer-reviewed)
- Journal of Contemporary China (Routledge, SSCI, five-year impact factor: 3.5 (2023),
Political Science and International Relations (2023 Q1))
- Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature, SSCI, two-year impact factor: 3.5, Social Sciences (2023 Q1))
2. 美國國際法協會成員。